Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Trip to the mailbox

I wasn't so sure I was going to go out to get my mail today and that is saying a lot. Since I woke up at 2:30 this morning and couldn't see out my frozen windows, I had decided that I was going nowhere all day. My first challenge was getting my newspaper which was in the middle of an ice rink in my driveway. Ingenuity will get you everywhere. I put down 2 old throw rugs and after walking as close as I could get, I used my small rake to pull the paper toward me. Pretty ingenious if I do say so myself.

There it was, just challenging me to come get it.
I had the luxury of not working today. I was supposed to substitute today but my school was closed due to the weather. Even though I am retired I still love a good snow day. I did make progress on the list I made this morning.  And was extremely relieved not to drive in this mess. 

Luckily, once the ice fell off, the tree sprang back to life. 
Once I decided that it had thawed a bit, I did venture out to the mailbox. It was well worth the trip. I was delighted to get this fabric from Hawthorne Threads. The design is Strawberry Picnic by Windham Fabrics. Don't you just love the blue with the strawberries?
While I did cross things off my list, I did not sew. I am going to change my MO for tomorrow. I will sew first and work on other things on the list after that. By the time I came upstairs, it was too late to start anything. TOMORROW I will work on the wedding quilt and on binding a long-overdue birthday gift!


  1. It looks extremely cold at your house. Wish I could send you some of the warmth from sunny ol' California! Great selection of fabric you received! Stay warm.

  2. Very cute...glad you faced the snow to retrieve your goodies!

  3. I'm still waiting for the postman to deliver here. We haven't seen her for 2 days...I wonder what happened to neither rain, nor snow....
