Monday, May 16, 2011

Watching magic...

Yes, I finally cut out and started the jacket for this Saturday's wedding. It is really fairly simple. I didn't have time to sew today but should be able to mostly finish it by Wednesday. I'll be happy to share when I am a little further along.

Thanks for being the hand model, Catherine. 

The magic I saw was at our Quilt Guild meeting tonight. Anna Faustino was the speaker and she shared her woven quilts with us. She was an art director prior to taking up quilting and her fearlessness really shows in her work. She encouraged everyone to just "sit down and do it!" Good advice for all of us. She and her charming husband showed us so many quilts. Some were painted and some all woven. It was a magical collection of art quilts. I was furiously taking pictures from my seat, I didn't get them all and while I know they are not the best pictures, I hope you can enjoy them.

This was a picture of her granddaughter. Partly painted and partly woven. 

A class piece that she says is done in 3 hours. Hmmm. 

She quickly showed her technique. This is stretch black fabric that she cuts with a rotary cutter and then the fabric shows through. A little like the scratchboard pictures...

This was beautiful.

A portrait of her husband in Portugal, I think. 

The last one, truly an ahhhhh. This is all woven. Unbelievable.

I'm happy to say that I did resist buying her book since realistically I know that I would never try this. I only succumbed to buying 2 pieces of fabric. Just thought they were pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Anna's quilts are truly amazing! And to think she finished that one in 3 hours. Thanks for sharing all of the photos. The two pieces you bought are gorgeous!!
