Sunday, June 12, 2011

Taking a break

This weekend we had our neighborhood yard sale. In spite of the rain, people came and did some buying. I made a whopping $25, which reminds why I keep saying I will not do this again. If I figure the per hour take on this, it is just not worth it! But the good news is I got rid of some things and while I was sitting I was looking through old quilting magazines and pulling out the maybe patterns. I had done this with some patterns already and filled a binder with ideas but changed my tactic for a while. I'm a little slow on the uptake but realized just marking the pages with a post-it was not a good idea. I'm about halfway through... After I finish I will have to categorize these.

Now, the picture at the top is what I'm taking a break from... I'm cleaning out the stash closet again! I pulled all these bins out and I have to shift some things on the shelves and try to organize things off the floor. You can see my serviced sewing machine on the floor. I didn't even take the plastic off the machine yet. And I must get to the binding on my quilt too. But I can't work in the very messy sewing room.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs and loved the story of the bottle tree. I don't have that in my garden but decided to share the whimsy I do have. You can read the blog at Between Naps on the Porch.
Check it out here.

Now it is back to the stash cleaning. I love being able to show that picture of the closet to others who can appreciate it. We all have that stash that we need to clean, right?


  1. That bottle tree is one of the coolest decorations I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing and good luck cleaning the sewing room :o)

  2. That sounds like my yard sales, I do not do well at them and I end up giving away things, just so I don't have to bring them back in, lol. Your gardens are lovely.


  3. Wow...look at that stash! =) I actually noticed your machine...what Brother do you own?

    The gardens look great. It's nice to take a break sometimes and do other things. =)

  4. I had a yard sale last year and vowed the same thing...never again! Sewing/quilting related items go on the "giveaway" table at guild meetings and everything else goes directly to Goodwill. It's a lot easier that way!

    I love the saucer edging along your flowerbed...too cute!
