Monday, July 12, 2010

We learn from our mistakes, or do we?

Okay, so I was getting some fabric cut to work on my BOM for a local quilt shop and my hand just happened to get in the way. I was holding the ruler as firmly as possible and oops! I cut my hand. I think it may be time to invest in one of those gadgets that hold the ruler in place. Perhaps a part of the problem is getting started at 10:30 at night. Really planned to get started sooner but other jobs got in the way.

I did take the process pledge and I think this is all part of the process, right?

Lesson learned - do not put your hand right in the line of cutting!

Hmmm, do I continue to work or just go to bed?


  1. I will. Lesson learned. At least it was my hand, not my wrist. How would I explain that?

  2. Sandy & I both cut the fatty part of fingers with rotary cutter. Very careful!
    Your baby quilt looks great. What don't you like about the back?
