Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little chuckle

If you are looking for the giveaway, go here!

I was hoping to actually sew by now but other things have gotten in the way. I have spent a lot of time up at the Gift Shop at the Pearl Buck House in Perkasie, PA. I think I've mentioned that I volunteer there and we are getting in lots of new merchandise for spring. It is very interesting to see what goes into keeping a shop stocked with great merchandise. If you live in the area, be sure to come and visit to see what we have. Tours of the house will resume on March 6th.

Anyway, I did want to share a little chuckle with you that I found on Facebook. It makes me smile whenever I see it.

Doesn't it make you think about all those lawn/garden gnomes, etc. What are they thinking?


  1. Very funny! And as the proud human to three cats, I definitely "get" it!! Thanks!

  2. That is so cute and so funny.

