Sunday, January 29, 2012


The past few days I've been watching my daffodils start to come up. It is still January and this really shouldn't be happening. No, I am not complaining by any stretch but our weather has been really weird. The other day it was in the 60's and then down to the 30's and this week we will hover around 50. So very bizarre. It has been good for our heating bill and snow removal budget but just doesn't feel like winter.

The snowmen and all Christmas decorations have been put away. I think I mentioned that with this weather the snowmen just looked out of place. I put everything back in its place and it is nice to see it back that way again. I am missing three things that normally are out and think they must all be in the same spot. Now, if only I could remember where that might be. Hmmmm.

Next in line is the sewing room. Some things need to be put away and then I think I will get to sew!

Hope you have a week of wonderful sewing ahead. 


  1. My daffodils are also coming up...crazy winter, isn't it?

  2. Our daffodils and crocuses are also up.
