Friday, December 10, 2010

A meeting, a name and fabric HELP needed

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted anything. I hope you are all still out there. Working 7 days a week has kept extra activities to a minimum but I can't tell you how much I am enjoying myself. As I've said before, the customers are great and I couldn't ask for better co-workers. It's exhausting but so much fun.
I've borrowed the top picture of Laura and Fran's blocks from a BOM at a NJ quilt shop. I'm doing them too but they are in the to-do pile which just keeps growing.

Part of the no-posting is nothing quilty to write about but tonight our quilt group met and at least they had some sewing to share. As we've done before, each person made the block from the previous month. They did, I didn't. We have six (5 for me) completed and can't wait to see how it all looks together.

Cindy showed us our block for next month. I made this one when I first started quilting so it looks like an easy one. To catch up I will do two blocks and then it's my turn to plan one for the group. I'm happy to say I will have time once Christmas is over.

We did name our group tonight. At least I think we did. Our decision was The Good Enough Quilters - those who are quilting in the Land of Good Enough. If any of you are reading and I'm wrong, please let me know.

Now for the last part, the plea for fabric HELP. As you may remember from a few posts ago, Laura is making a beautiful blue and white quilt for her mother but unfortunately she has run out of the white fabric and can't find it anywhere. There was no selvage so she doesn't have any name to go on. Please look at the close-up and if you have any information about where to find it, please let us know. Her quilt is so beautiful and she only needs a bit to finish. HELP!

We ended our sharing with a gift grab. These were the gifts each person brought and everyone enjoyed making a choice. They were all wonderful and there weren't too many steals. What a nice, considerate group.

Hope to be back real soon.


  1. Nancy-
    If I lived down there I would definitely be a "Good Enough Quilter"! Love the name!! Thanks for the pics- looks like a great time was had.

  2. Hi Nancy,

    Thanks for a great evening and nice pictures on the blog.

    I found fabric for Laura at Pennington. :-).
    Cindy a GEQ too.

  3. I was wondering when you were going to post again! How else do I know what is going on your life, since neither of us has time to talk!??

  4. I love your pretty. I enjoyed seeing all of the pics!
