As a reader just reminded me, it has been more than a year since my last post! Yikes. Where does the time go. Have to admit, my quilting projects are pretty much equal to my blog posts. Maybe if I write and post this, I'll be able to get started again. Really do love doing this.
I'm sure that the Good Enough Quilters will be shocked to see these photos finally being shared. We had our first meeting of the season a week ago and Lynn won the prize for her very prolific summer! Way to go, Lynn.
We all agreed that we loved the look of this quilt. The white really set off the colors and looked so pretty. We also loved the straight line stitching.
Not sure if you can see this but it would be a favorite of any Penn State fans. And it's a baby quilt. More of that straight line quilting too!
Several years ago, many of us in the group participated in a block of the month at a local fabric store. Lynn used her in such a unique way. And be sure to check the photo below to see her stitching.
And then from the not quite finished pile but far enough along to be amazed. Love the look of this. Thinking of trying the pattern myself.
And in the category of, someone please distract her so I can just take the quilt...the Spool Quilt. I have purchased and saved so many patterns like this... and guess how many I have made? You are right and all the more reason to just take Lynn's. Oh, well. I am inspired.
Now, does anyone want to place bets on when the next blog post will appear.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
I'm sure that the Good Enough Quilters will be shocked to see these photos finally being shared. We had our first meeting of the season a week ago and Lynn won the prize for her very prolific summer! Way to go, Lynn.
We all agreed that we loved the look of this quilt. The white really set off the colors and looked so pretty. We also loved the straight line stitching.
Not sure if you can see this but it would be a favorite of any Penn State fans. And it's a baby quilt. More of that straight line quilting too!
Several years ago, many of us in the group participated in a block of the month at a local fabric store. Lynn used her in such a unique way. And be sure to check the photo below to see her stitching.
And then from the not quite finished pile but far enough along to be amazed. Love the look of this. Thinking of trying the pattern myself.
And in the category of, someone please distract her so I can just take the quilt...the Spool Quilt. I have purchased and saved so many patterns like this... and guess how many I have made? You are right and all the more reason to just take Lynn's. Oh, well. I am inspired.
Now, does anyone want to place bets on when the next blog post will appear.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
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